Indian Fry Bread

Indian Fry Bread

Christina and Dora Sepulvado are talked about today as if they were alive because their acts of charity are legend. In
the early 1900’s, the Ebarb community was rural and isolated, without electricity or indoor plumbing. When someone
died, Dora made the coffin and Christina hand-sewed the burial clothes. During the building of the coffin, the loved
one was laid out on a door in the home for the “setting up” or “wake”.
Danny Ebarb

By: Chief Thomas Rivers

  • ½ bowl flour (4 cups)
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • ½ tea cup of lard
  • Baking soda or baking powder
  • Bit of milk

    Knead until you have hard dough then roll it out. Cut in squares and fry. Goodmama and Papa recipe.
    Makes: Servings 8-10